the gloaming

... i was accomplishing an album titled 'the gloaming' , i didn't tell anyone until now , the files were erased while backing up the system. a few fragments and maybe even a song or two were recovered after some search party.
the best news is that some of the musical ideas since then have reappeared and they seem stronger perhaps having more depth and feel comfortable with themselves.
one of the songs which disappeared was titled 'relationship destroying nonsense' , and it was almost an unbearable listening session though most rewarding.the only faint reference or comparison which a few of you might luckily recognize is iggy pop's ( james osterberg?) movie soundtrack to the bikini contest scene in 'the possibility of an island'.
there was also a monkish (choral writing) bit where i made sense of the words to the above and titled 'rel des non'. i even used something i learned from 'the science of the singing voice' . it takes years...
the over arcing concept was likely inspired by those edwardian children's books which often provide more meaning to the adults who read. in thinking this over i understand that to make an adult theme impressive to children is a mark of high and accomplished style and not a weakness. e. nesbitt was probably an influence and maybe even rudyard kipling, though my attempts to set kipling's verses to music fell flat somehow.
i had to write my own lyrics for anything to come of it, drawing inspiration from those lengthy victorian poems about brave children dying ( manifest destiny...) bird songs et cetera....
in recovering what was possible i found a segued song collection ,none of them sound familiar from the release on retinascan , one of the pieces features a violin though i cannot figure out how the sound was made. strange acoustic phenomena occur when one utilizes violins through preamps. it's mostly certainly a violin and me playing it; no one else was present with the instrument. it sounds different from the way i play and unrecognized yet appealing - plan on making a file to send soundcloud a sort of podcast.
a few more highlights of the missing mega-album: there was a line which i really hope no one heard. it was at the end of a verse , bridge ; and it went 'my lips to betroth' . now , in the context it made sense though the sound of it was just so tasteless and i think i deleted it with the bridge. the song was something i wrote when i was six and had to reconstruct the words , sing like a six year old. the bridge was a recent add-on and an effort to make the song sound more monogamous or at least faithful since it seems to be about balling a flight attendant.

there was at least one tune (which i think i recovered) which has this marvelous garden party stroll feeling which i don't know how i did it ; find it has gone missing in today's pop music , even if they talk about strolling...
i haven't seen those types of garden parties since the seventies , though i remember eons ago seeing a pbs documentary ; possibly about a professor at a graduate school , and his sons(also graduate students) who were in a rock band. there was a party. adults were wearing head bands and dancing with small children. there was a tune ' come back now my cutey pie , you make me high , i'll keep on eating those blueberry pies...'. now there was a girl in the group doubling the verse an octave higher. she had on one of those pale criss-crossy summer dresses , was quite pale and bosomy , frightening looking yet probably quite nice. the chorus of the song went' oom pah pah pah...' . the smart son who played bass wearing another headband held the neck of the instrument high and did a rather restrained enactment of the wild hippie boogie while he played...
there was a scene with his very young daughter where the professor said' i wish i could eat oranges all day...' about then someone clicked it off.

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