
in listening to my music compositions i find that it takes wading through the tedium to get to the sublime ( of course , the sublime was the tedium the next time ) and i'm realizing this is some of the value of nerve; that one has the nerve to be one's own composition in order that others may enjoy them.

-used to concern myself about not getting it together more socially. where i might have been , or just ordinary never occurred to me. what i imagined seemed quite out there to most . i imagine now a kind of apogee and perigee , like sine waves in musical thought. it's a way of getting beyond what is impossible to what is sensible.

( for world outreach, how about? 'we'd like out)
(concerning a dvd audio transfer from tape)
...i have a certain kind of splashiness i don't find it anyplace else
some of this is really bad , i don't have the heart to edit it, or i have the heart not to edit it. -must be similar to the feeling dressmakers feel with a bolt of gorgeous fabric and an iffy pattern.
the next song somewhere had a vocal line about the twenty fifth century. -hopefully by then more people will be listening to good instrumental music, there will at least be different vocalists. - there is a difference between animism : hearing the spirit or life in an object , and hearing the voice from what isn't an object.
...not deciding where the revelations are going to be in order that one might experience the revelations.
drums in heaven , what business is it of yours?
on this version since the nineties there is a guitar overdub for shure and later reverberation and flying monkey synth performing the major key re
transparency adequately
goes on presently for eternity and just because something happens doesn't mean that life is bad.
eventually segues inro raw raw rock with the sustained quick echoes. --nearly gave up on music after this one; lying face down on the carpet wondering what i'd done and if there's a better activity.
it's possible i built my own microphone yet unlikely. it was probably the only microphone i had and had to sing really quite forcefully to get any signal, yet i still tried to make it sound smooth.
something about on the way to the beach house, a rather bluesy number ; makes me think of the doors , might sound easy it isn't . neither is putting in a few whoops adequate; on playback it sounds like real whoops yet rather cheesy. the real takes effort dedication and meditation , even if you are without medication.
something you'd listen to in a cave in the summer with friends .